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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Grant Writing Process - Preparing Your School

For a school to be "ready" to apply for a grant, they needn't merely exist. There are some key points you will need to work out with the Principal, School Site Council, governing board, or School Leadership Council at your school before your organization will be fully prepared to apply for funding.

First, you will need a school plan. What are your school's goals for attendance, student achievement, academics, etc.? What do you emphasize to your students as important - integrity, character, non-violent resolution, kindness? What is your school's motto or mission? Know what is important to the families of your students - that is why they send their children there, after all.

Once you have fully outlined your school's "mission," you need to determine if you will have the support of the leadership at the school. If applying for and receiving this grant isn't of the utmost importance to the school leadership, it will make your job, or the grant manager's job, that much harder.

After you have determined the level of support you will receive (versus the level of support you will need to complete the project), you will want to do a full review of the financial systems in place. Every school has got to have accurate accounting systems in place, but has your school gone through an audit recently? What were the results?

Next, you'll want to cozy up to that accountant at your school and start getting familiar with your school's budget. Also, having a copy of this around will make your life that much easier when applying for grants. It's important that you know your school's deficit and have a solid explanation for that. 

Knowing this information will save you a lot of time and energy. Take the time to do your research up front!


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